Foundational courses
SCE's foundational courses
September 30, 2024
Below you will find materials for implementing SCE's foundational courses of Personal Growth, Gender, Leadership and Digital Literacy.
The first three courses consist of four live sessions and four e-learning modules. Digital Literacy consists of five live sessions and one e-learning module.
Access the e-learning modules through this link: https://link.edapp.com/nSQPSptugMb
The guide, presentations and handouts for the live sessions can be downloaded from this page as PDFs.
Please contact the SCE team to request the Powerpoint files (.pptx) for the presentations.
Personal Growth: presentations
Personal Growth: handouts
SCE Personal Growth handouts.pdf727.31 KB
Gender: guide
Gender: presentations
Gender: handouts
SCE Gender handouts_0.pdf2.43 MB
Leadership: guide
Leadership: presentations for Sessions 1 and 2
Leadership: presentations for Sessions 3 and 4
Leadership: handouts
SCE Leadership handouts.pdf714.97 KB